Monday, August 6, 2007

Fogged In

I feel… like an aimless traveler
The night, naught the moon,
The lover without his beloved
And the mother, without her babe to croon.
Who am I… what am I to do… ?
The questions come back to haunt me,
I can no longer find an answer to them
And it's like water slipping off a duck’s back.

I force myself to think
But my mind slips back to things mundane…
To run away from the truth
If, at all, it's out in the plain.

I’m caught in this web
Of tangled emotions and confused thoughts,
And I simply cannot free myself
From the deceptions, the lies or the farce…

I am lost in this bewildering maze
Though there are no choices,
I can see myself in the face of the unknown
And I try and run into serendipity…
Will I find the lodestar?
Or become my own bête noire…?

Time is a traveler passing me by
And it will never come back,
To let me pass the self-same way
Or speak words I knew, but did not say.

The darkness engulfs me now
Leaving no source of light,
I can feel the claustrophobia seeping in
But it's deaf to any plight.
And the fear and uncertainty chase themselves in my mind…

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