Thursday, August 23, 2012

Coin Flip

The dreams the nightmares
And the heart wishes
All get hopelessly enmeshed
But what keeps u awake at night
The good, hopes or the fright

The confrontation the evasion
And the escapes
All out there tantalising
But what is finally dealt in life
Soft rosiness or reality checks

Life is dealing an empty hand
Other times a golden bounty
Sometimes ur pillow has salty wetness
And sometimes the music carries u thru.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Of paintings and reveries

Would that I could-
Paint the brightest picture tonight
All in black and white.

And maybe some hues-
Of more than 50 shades of grey
Given life by the moonlight gone astray.

And of the wind-
That makes the dark trees dance and sway
Singing in my hair, carrying me away.

To some romantic place-
Where You live life, laugh and cry
With hands that hold, loving and kind.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What is fear

Not that of the dark
But the black empty night
Or the sudden rush of light that shuts your eyes
Or still, the stark stranger of truth
Not clad in black nor in white
And in his eyes, you see what you want.

Or is it fear
When the spiral goes downwards steady
Your fingers clutching at air
Or yet, those same fingers
Jump up to touch the glimpse of a dream
And both visions vanish in the puff of a smoke

But fear truly is
When you miss a sure step on the stair
When you look at the mirror and forget urself
When you lie awake and think nothing
When the ghosts of the pasts haunt you
And yet somehow, the totem keeps on spinning

Friday, August 3, 2012

Being You

Sometimes you look, but don’t see
A smoky cloud dulling your vision,
But what you do see is a light
That is coming from inside of you.

A fire to light the passion
A beat to liven the music,
A colour to brighten the horizon
A thought to lead your life.

Follow the inner light
Follow the guiding passion,
Live & lead your own life
Not pulled by a carrot from others.

© Dipti Agarwal